Graduation Ceremony
The graduation ceremony is a privilege, not a right. Seniors who have failed to meet academic graduation requirements will not be allowed to participate in the graduation ceremony. In addition, seniors may be declared ineligible for the graduation ceremony due to truancy, excessive absences, tardiness, suspensions, or violation of the final step in the senior contract. Seniors must also follow extracurricular activity participation requirements and be at school all day on the day of the event. Dress Code guidelines for the graduation ceremony will be enforced. Dress code includes a stipulation that if the cap & gown are borrowed, they may not be altered or decorated in any way. Decoration of purchased caps are made at the discretion of the administration.
The school will provide caps, gowns and tassels for graduating seniors for use during the ceremony. Students also have the option to purchase a cap, gown and/or tassel from the school representative to keep for themselves.
Special Recognition at Graduation Ceremony
Determining Valedictorian and Salutatorian
The following is a guide in determining the Valedictorian and Salutatorian at Delhi High School. This is an academic based award.
By Definition:
Valedictorian: will be the student that has the highest cumulative grade point average (GPA) at the end of their eighth high school semester. In case of a tie dual honors will be awarded. The Salutatorian will have the second highest GPA.
Policy Procedures:
To qualify for Valedictorian and Salutatorian at graduation a student must have earned at least twelve core academic credits in which a letter grade was given on the transcript throughout their seventh semester.
Any student who transfers into Delhi High School after the start of their senior year will not be eligible for consideration for Valedictorian or Salutatorian.
Any student who retakes a class to better their overall cumulative grade point average, cannot use this to share or overtake a current Valedictorian or Salutatorian.
The overall cumulative GPA begins the start of their ninth grade year and will end at the conclusion of the second semester of their senior or 12th grade year for Valedictorian or Salutatorian.
Multi-Gold Cord: Seniors with a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or greater are awarded a multi-gold cord for Principal’s Honor Roll. This is based on a weighted GPA throughout the first seven semesters.
Multi-Silver Cord: Seniors with Multilingual Seal achievement are recognized.
White Cap and Gown/Gold Stole: A student earns a white cap and gown to be worn during the graduation ceremony by becoming a Life Member of the California Scholarship Federation (CSF). CSF also awards a gold stole for 100% membership.
Silver Cord: Two-years of service between ASB.
White Cord: The white cord will be awarded to graduates who have compiled and documented 100 hours of approved community service*.
FFA Stole: Students will be recognized for completing 4 years of chapter membership in The National FFA Organization.
FBLA Stole: The National FBLA Stole is worn by students who have contributed to the mission of bringing Business and Education together. Students are awarded the Stole if they have completed two years of active membership
HYLC Stole: Hispanic Youth Leadership Council - Recognizes students for community service and active membership which includes attending 70% of community events.
DMAS Stole: Delhi Medical Academy of Science students will be recognized for their completion of 4 years in the Health Services Pathway.
Pathway Completion Recognition: CTE Pathway Completer must make a grade of C- or better in all Pathway courses.
Business Pathway- Completion of 2 years in CTE courses
Agriculture Science Pathway- Completion of 3 years in CTE courses
Animal Science Pathway- Completion of 3 years in CTE courses
ROP Automotive Pathway - Completion of 1 year in CTE course
ROP Patient Care Pathway - Completion of 3 years in CTE courses
Healthcare Administrative Services Pathway- Completion of 2 years in CTE courses
* Community Service Hours Timesheet can be found in the front office. The hours can be submitted at the end of every quarter to the front office. Office staff will enter the information into Aeries, once completed you will receive an email to pick up your form and continue adding your hours throughout the year. The hours can also be submitted by the student in Aeries.