Awards Convocations

Academic achievement is honored yearly at an annual Academic Awards Assembly recognizing achievement by all students and at the special evening awards convocations for undergraduates and seniors.

Honor Roll

The Honor Roll is the list of students who have achieved an Academic-Grade-Point-Average of 3.50 - 3.99.

Honor Societies

The National Honor Society and California Scholarship Federation are nationally recognized scholarship organizations. Membership is based on strength of schedule and GPA as well as service and is regarded highly by colleges and universities.

California Scholarship Federation

Students with an academic semester (non-cumulative) GPA of 3.6 or higher are invited to join CSF at the end of their freshman year. Announcements are made notifying them when to sign up, but notices are not sent to individuals. If a student’s GPA falls below 3.6, they forfeit membership for the following semester but can join again if they raise their GPA back up to 3.6 or higher. In order to wear a gold CSF stole at graduation students must retain membership with their GPA and service for five consecutive semesters: fall and spring sophomore year, fall and spring junior year, and first-semester senior year.

National Honor Society

Students with a cumulative GPA of 3.6 or higher are invited into NHS at the end of sophomore year for the membership fall semester of their junior year. Unlike CSF, if a student’s GPA falls below a cumulative academic 3.6 they are no longer eligible for membership, nor can they regain their standing. In order to wear a gold NHS cord at graduation students must retain membership with their cumulative GPA of 3.6 or higher and service for three consecutive semesters: fall and spring junior year and first-semester senior year.

Principal’s Honor Roll

The Principal’s Honor Roll is the list of students who have achieved an Academic-Grade-Point-Average of 4.00 or higher.

Special Senior Awards

Academic Excellence Awards

This award is published in the graduation program listing every senior who has achieved an Academic-Grade-Point-Average of 4.0 mark-point-average or better for each of the first seven semesters at DHS.


The two highest academic awards for seniors at Delhi High are the valedictorian award and the salutatorian award. The Salutatorian welcomes those attending graduation and is awarded the Salutatorian Award during the graduation ceremony. The salutatorian is chosen from among those seniors who have attended Delhi High School for a minimum of three years and who have achieved an academic grade point average in the top five percent of the senior class. The candidates for the salutatorian award are first reviewed by the Academic Council and then finally selected by the Administrative Council. The Administrative Council considers two criteria in making the final selection:

  1. a high level of demonstrated scholarship in junior and senior year and

  2. the student's demonstrated achievement of the school's graduation outcomes


The Valedictorian addresses the graduating class at Graduation and is awarded the Valedictory Award during the ceremony. The Valedictorian is chosen according to specific criteria. The Valedictorian is chosen by the Academic Council. The Council considers the following three criteria in making the selection:

  • the student’s cumulative Academic-Grade-Point-Average

  • the student has attended Delhi High School for a minimum of three years

  • the strength of the student’s academic schedule

  • comments attesting to the student’s scholarship by junior and senior year honors teachers who have taught the student.